Describe a factory / a company you want to establish (注意后面這個是 want to establish, 和之前的老題small successful company 還是有差別的)
Describe a restaurant (在7.8 兩個月都比較沉寂的情況下,于9月再次復(fù)出)
Describe a peaceful place
Describe a place near the sea (an ideal life near the sea)
Describe a school building / a historic building
Describe a noisy place ( 2010年下半年的老題再次復(fù)出)
Describe a small successful company
Describe an ideal house (perfect house 甚至還有 the house or the apartment you want to live in)
Describe your favourite childhood room
Describe a leisure center
Describe a garden ( 新題,但在9月份不是十分活躍)
Describe a place you'd like to travel to
Describe a river in your hometown
Describe a shop(與之相似的還有事件題 describe a shopping experience)